What is Jockose?


Jockose is a Scottification of the word ‘jocose’. In case you don’t know what that means – it’s something to do with witty, comical, humerous stuff. That’s what Jockose is supposed to be, but with this Scotsman’s point of view. Here, we present light hearted articles, reviews, blogs and various writings in matters that are of interest to me. Some of it is true, some is complete lies and most is somewhere in-between.

What’s it about?

At the mo it’s vinyl reviews of stuff I’ve purchased recently (old and new records); beer reviews, film and T.V. Coming soon – new and old blogs, a few short stories, and maybe a book or two and a sit-com/script stylee.

Who’s it for?

Anyone who’s not an a-hole. If you write a negative comment you fall into that category and will be barred. Get it right up ye and go on a Morris Dancing blog instead.

Bits n Bobs


  • Anyone is free to comment positively, and comments are free.
  • Any negative stuff will be removed unless the writer can provide evidence of their own excellence in writings and websites.
  • If you don’t like the content – go away and don’t come back. Ever.


  • Do not take content seriously! It’s supposed to be a wee bit funny and not offensive.
  • If you are offended, please go away and don’t come back. Ever.
  •  From time to time there might be some foul-mouthed language. Take it or leave it.

Who is Jockose?

  • Wolfy  – ma wee duggy.
  • Mr miaow-miaows – Katy’s cat.
  • Me.
  • Global Editor & Chief Marketing & Sales Officer – William + support.
  • Assistant beer reviewer –  Tomster G.
  • Mrs J – Support Director, Overseas affairs.

Insert images of the team and swpa names for photos. i.e Ill be Wolfy blah blah

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